Hi, I’m Laura 👋.

During the day I’m a data and insights consultant for a CX & design agency in London; I analyse customer/user behaviour to help companies develop strategies to better serve (and hopefully delight) their customers. Analytics, surveys, spreadsheets, R, that sort of thing.

The rest of the time I’m usually crafting, or thinking about crafting. I mostly knit, often sew, and sometimes dabble in embroidery and other random crafts. My primary goal is to curate a thoughtful, mostly-hand-made wardrobe with items that fit me, suit me, and provide an extra layer of warmth in winter via pure smugness. As a bonus, I find crafting incredibly good for my mental health; I make more, I care less about things that might otherwise bother me.

This site is the meeting of the two; part artist’s portfolio, and part professional portfolio.

If you are a potential employer; look how clever I am! I built this site myself from scratch because I wanted to play with Firebase and implementing GA4. I was also extremely salty about the pivot of Instagram from elegant square photos to all the jiggling and noise, so I decided to make my own site over which I have total control and which cannot pivot to something loud and obnoxious (unless I specifically want it to).

If you are a crafter; welcome! I don’t make tutorials or patterns (bar one extremely basic pair of legwarmers that I think is still available on Ravelry) but I do make a lot of stuff, so I may have some useful tips. If you have any questions about a project I’ve made, feel free to message me on socials (links below) or email (laura at makemorecareless.com).

Much love,

LC August 2024

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